[Video Notepad] adalah aplikasi seluler untuk membuat video dan Vlog (Blog Video) dengan cepat.
If you have [Video Notepad]:
You will use it when you want to record, appreciate, reminisce, and share the good times you have experienced.
You will use it when you want to provide help to others in the form of a video.
You will use it when you want to synthesize a VLogs/Videos that contains voice narration in various languages.
You will use it when you want to quickly add subtitles to Vlogs/Videos in various languages.
You will use it When you want. . . . . .
Fitur-fitur yang dicakupnya meliputi:Pembuatan vlog, pembuatan video, pengeditan video, klip video, sintesis video, sintesis ucapan, pengenalan subtitle, efek video, efek audio, filter, templat video, efek teks, efek suara, grafiti foto, koleksi video, klasifikasi video , album foto elektronik, dll.